Letter Sent by Miami Beach Mayor Criticizes Florida Compact

In a major step focused towards the gambling industry in Florida, the Miami Beach Mayor, Dan Gelber, has advanced a letter to Deb Haaland, Secretary of the U.S Department of the Interior, requesting it to reject the Florida Compact, citing some serious issues and shortcomings in the pact. The state government authorities in Florida are on their way to revamp the betting sphere by signing a sports gambling deal with the Seminole Tribe. The federal team is reviewing the deal that will lead to the expansion of sports wagering in the state.
Calling the gambling deal a ‘tortured artifice’ in his 9-page document, Dan Gelber advocated that the government should reject it as it violates the state as well as federal laws. He added that he supports the guidelines of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) that offers representation and financial stability to the Native American tribal clusters. However, he feels that the Florida Compact does not satisfy the goals of IGRA and so should not be enforced. He added that the pact is a way to further the objectives of non-tribal casinos that maligned the executive system so as to reap benefits from outside the tribal ecosystem. It is against the interests of the locals, said Dan.
The bill to ratify the pact was signed on May 25 by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Depart. of the Interior has been given a 45-days window post the ratification date to give their response to the compact. If the authority fails to do so, then the compact shall be deemed to be approved by them. The deal allows tribal communities to enjoy rights to casino gaming in the state along with a share of 40% on profits arising from sports wagers. The tribe will give $500 Million every year to the state as part of the revenue-sharing system for 30 years.
Gelber mentioned that the Governor was focused on advancing the interests of influential donors and prominent political people. He signaled towards Donald Trump’s desire to transfer the license to the Trump Doral Resort. The former President is planning to sell off the resort as it is suffering from losses.
In response to Gelber’s claims, DeSantis and the Seminole Tribe have called them ridiculous. They called the criticism a step by politicians to gain space in headlines. The compact is a good initiative for Florida, said DeSantis while confirming that it complies with the law.